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Old May 06 2012, 02:21 PM
astradriver astradriver is offline
Join Date: Dec 13 2010
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by Emily Murphy View Post
I would love to buy these new facilities and expand my Farms 1-5. Unfortunately I have spent two days trying to buy Farm Cash so that I could do just that!!!!! It won't go to the Pay Pal page to complete the sale. I am extremely frustrated and about to tell FT where it can go! If people can't buy FC, then why bring out items that you can only buy with FC , and expansion that costs billions if FC not used?

I can't begin to explain how frustrated and mad I am without using lots of inappropriate language, so I'm done. Sent a note to Slashkey yesterday, but no response. I just want to yell at someone!

You could go to your account on facebook main page and buy facebook credits usng ur paypal account, then go to farmtown and buy fc using ur fb credits