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Old Jun 02 2012, 06:47 AM
StoneFace StoneFace is offline
Join Date: Jun 12 2010
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Originally Posted by JohnAlbertini View Post
You keep adding things that make the game better ONLY by spending FC but you are now only adding levels every THREE updates?

It seems you don't care about your long term palyers unless they shell out real money.

How am I supposed to get all these new tools/facilities? You issue 24 new FC facilities a year plus FC tools. But we only have been getting 150 levels per year and now NO levels for THREE months! That means only enough FC for 4 facilities of the 24! So my 23 million XP is useless!!!!!

I hear ya....

It does seem strange to release 25 levels, and $25 Farm Cash... along with a new item that costs $30 or $32.
you are a game developer who needs income to continue and who sees no problem with "giving" a player $25 towards a $32 purchase and thus encouraging that player to cough up the difference.

I agree the level releases are probably too far apart. Twenty every other Friday would work for most, I think. And a combination of that and lower costs on FC items would be attractive.

Other than that, I think there are a lot of farmers who manage with only the "free" farm cash, yet wish they could have more.

the "haves" and the "have-nots",,,,,, a reality of the game I guess.
