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Old Jul 20 2012, 02:59 PM
Danielle's Farms Danielle's Farms is offline
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Join Date: Jul 20 2012
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 3

I didnt read all 100++ pages of this topic but I'll post my thoughts on some particular topics I remember.

When I first started the game yearsss could only have 1 farm. There was no tools, no facilities and not a whole lot of crops to choose from to plant. i played for a good long time until I stopped. I go on spurts. When i left, they had added where you could have up to 4 farms, and facilities were starting to come out. I stopped playing for at least a a year and a half to 2 years and I just started back last week and Im hooked again, and the game has really exploded since I last left.

I can totally understand the frustration of those who do not have the tools and cant afford to buy them. In a way, I do think its a little unfair execially when trying to find someone to hire you, and theres basically no point in staying if they hire someone else who has the tools because by the time you finish one row of crops or anything, everything else is gone. Last week when I started back and found a job, someone else came along who obviously had the tools and I didnt get hardly anything. At this time, I didnt even know you could use tools on other peoples farms. I bought a couple of tools with coins, only to find out you HAVE to buy the tools with farm cash in order to be able to use the tools on other farms. This was a little frustrating, but I broke down and bought enough cash to get me one of each tool I needed on the farm. It is very nice, now my biggest problem is with running out of fuel! Since I dont have a whole to many neighbors and my XP is only 80 right now, and the factory only produces so fast, I dont get a whole lot at once, and when you find a lot of jobs, it goes quick. I wish you could fill up more than once a day! Thats the really frustrating part.

I also hate beggers when going to the market to hire. I always hire from the market. The neighbors I have arnt active in the game anymore and its just quicker to go to the market. I've been pretty lucky, havnt had a rude person yet, though not to many people say thank you after they are done. But I'm not all that worried about it.

When im in the market to find a job, I usually stand towards the front away from others so whoever can click on me easily, and Ill say every few moments "hire me please!" or "any job welcome!" Stuff like that. i dont say it over and over and over, I usually wait a few moments than say it again. I know when Im hiring, I look for someone who says hire me or etc. but not begging. I dont click on anyone who is just standing there saying nothing, because I dont know whether they are there to hire someone, sell something or if they are even by the computer at all. So I dont mind people saying hire me every few moments because it makes it easiar on me when Im there to hire a person. Now I wont hire someone who is being obnoxious, flooding the chat and begging for a job. I will just sit and wait longer until another person comes along.

I usually only hire one person to do whatever i need to be done at my farm. I follow them back just to make sure they got there. Even if I see they have no tools and doing things one by one. I just leave them alone. I know when I didnt have no tools and landed a job with a lot of stuff to do. I was super excited, and when I saw no one else was hired, I was even more excited! lol So I try to do the same for others. I usually dont stay on my farm and hover over them, but theres plenty of times Im on the farm with the hired person, but Im doing other stuff on the computer. So even if the avator is on the farm, it doesnt always mean the person is hovering over every move you make. It doesnt bother me when im on the job for the farm owner to be there. I just go along my work. I'll talk to them if they say something, but its hard to chat and work at the same time. I always send a message when Im done though thanking them for the job.

If im only hired to harvest, but not plowing, or I see something else that needs to be done. If the farm owner is there, after I finish i'll thank them for the job and ask if they need me to do anything else. Most of the time, they hire me to do the rest. If not I just thank them and leave. Im not going to sit and beg, they are other jobs out there.

I also tend to give people the benefit of the doubt on the game. If I hire someone and they start a job, and I come back later to find it only half done and they are gone, I'll just go hire someone else. You never know what happened to the person on the other end. I've had plenty of times Ive accidently clicked them wrong button and it left the farm, I had no way to get back to the farm, so whoever hired me, might have thought I just left and didnt want the job or something. Theres been times my computers booted me off as well. So just remember, before getting all ****** and saying they are a horrible worker, people have lives. they may have had to go for some reason, or the computer may have just acted up. You never know. I know it really bugs me when that does happen though, the other day I landed a huge solo job, with a lot of crops and everything, ran out of fuel and when I went to fill up again, I accidently hit the Realor's Office instead of the fuel station. So I lost that job which sucked! And I had no way to get back to the farm because I didnt even get chance to see the farmers name.

As for crop hoggers and stuff. This kind of goes with what I said about the tools earlier. I can understand other people's frustrations, but im one know, I bought the tools with my money. I'm going to use them.(as long as I have fuel lol) I work fast and ill take whatevers there. Now if I see someone else was also hired Im not going to be all like "Go somewhere else! These crops are mine!" Thats just plain rude. Its a GAME. I'll just take whatever I get and move on, whoevers faster, gets what they get.

hmmm...i think I covered all the things I wanted to say as I was reading through the comments on this thread. Whoever read all this, kudos to you!
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