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Old Jul 26 2012, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by carol0 View Post
I have a friend that was level 39, almost 40. She had been working towards buying 8 long haired sheep for her farm. This last upgrade moved that goal up 10 levels so that you have to be level 50 to buy them. She thinks that you are trying to make it harder for new players to get anywhere, and I tend to agree with her. I have been playing a LONG time now, and I would not like to start out again. It doesn't seem fair to the players that are almost to a goal, and then have it jerked back. She was so close, and in fact made level 40 the day it was released. She went to buy her sheep, and couldn't.
According to the game guide it is still at level 40, when she saw she couldn't purchase the animal did she try to clear the cache, cookies, and history then close the browser and then reload Farm Town to see if she could purchase the animals then?