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Old Oct 15 2012, 02:28 PM
bayoubes bayoubes is offline
Join Date: Apr 24 2010
Location: Rio Rancho, NM
Posts: 75

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
It does work. You have to read that statement correctly. You can work them again 8 hours after you worked the last one.
Ok, been reading this for over a week now and decided to weigh in:
My hubby and I have played for 3 yrs now and learned very early that we can work the facilities 2 times a day and it still works. Here is how:ex:
We post our facilities at 9am and we each work them. At 9PM we can work again, 12 hrs later no matter how many other neighbors facilities we work. If at the same time we work say 3 other neighbors at 9:15am we worked theirs at 9:15pm. Never could work less than 12 hrs, if I went to work after 11hr 15mins, couldn't work, had to wait till the 12th hr. I suggest if you really want to work each neighbors facilities twice, you write down the time you worked it then go back at the same time 12hr later.