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Old Feb 27 2013, 12:50 AM
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GarrettHillBabe GarrettHillBabe is offline
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Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
You have listed everything we can tell you to try. Only other thing I can say is to provide a link to your farm so someone here can check it.
Thanks anyway For the suggestion however had such a headache and FT was only aggravating it I shut my computer off and went to bed.

All buildings are there however that WF6 server is once again running extremely slow.
Finally managed to do what had to be done including wrestling with the planting and that stupid black box pop up AND the SAVE every change of crop.........Planting my farms after my worker was finished was again a nightmare..........I wait when I have a person working my farms, normally clean up dinner dishes and come back.
My worker said she had had trouble all evening working for others so must be a game wide problem again.

Happy to be storing my empty facilities so that once I manage to have all empty I can easily, I hope, rearrange my poor farms. Doesn't look like we'll be getting a farm 18 anytime soon, darn it. Would save me a boat load of work if we did,

Anyway my problem of some buildings not loading of last night seems to have cleared itself, hopefully it stays this way!

I appreciate the techs fixing the broken stuff but just wish we all would have a bit of warning they would be...would save us from going through all kinds of hoops thinking the troubles were on our end when it's most likely repairs are being made to the game. Do you think you could pass that on to them, please? Sure once in awhile it could be on our end but when it comes to my computer, router, cache and such it's rare to be on my you know I have a routine I adhere to. Tony did suggest I not clear FT cache daily so am following what he told me to do there.
Thanks for trying to help.

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