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Old Jan 08 2014, 07:53 AM
LionessNcubx3 LionessNcubx3 is offline
Join Date: Dec 14 2010
Posts: 9
Default Using Employers tools

For those that are so upset about other using the tools you paid for:

It seems to be that they can only use the LEAST of the big tools. I don't have a chainsaw at all, my mom hired to me chop this morning to test this out because she has them all maxed out, and it only let me use her 3 X 3 chainsaw.

On a different note, if you are so rich and spent so much money getting those tools, are you honestly telling me that you would expect the maid to bring her walmart vacuum cleaner to vacuum your oriental rugs rather than use the Dyson vacuum that you paid for? Just curious. Not like she can take the Dyson to another house to clean.
Thank you for your considerate help! To make it easier for you to help me-- I am computer literate and have already done all the tedious things you HAVE to get tired of telling people to do. I don't know everything, but I have already covered the basics.

This is my Farm:
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