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Old Apr 15 2014, 03:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Felina View Post
Hello fellow FT Farmers,
This "may" be my last post as well as the end of my FT career.
I have spent a month allowing my health to go down as I begged for the earned FC from an offer.
I will post copy of last note Slash-Key Support; it will tell/show a bit of the issues.
Many thanks to the forum team for having a link on their page.
I had already tried several others to NO avail.
Kathie (Okie Katt/Felina)

On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 11:15 AM, Kathie> wrote:
I sent note to you Sunday evening; I will attach copy. I am also including copy of notes on the help page of FT Earn FC. It will show that not only have "I" been begging for the earned credit; but Trial Pay has done MORE than their part. Slash-Key now has done this 2 times in a row to me {both FTD - to my almost 81 (in May 2014)year old Aunt who is battling stage 3A lung cancer}.
I WILL expect to see the credit of 77 FC in my account; with in 48 hours, if it is not received I will close account. I will make sure to forward ALL correspondence from Trial-Pay along with "lack of correspondence from Slash-Key"; to ALL of my FT friends and do many, many posts on the FT forum to show the ill-respect/treatment to me. BTW I had played FT as a means of "therapy"; I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 8/87 and have good and bad days w/hand shaking/steadiness.
Kathie (Okie Katt/Felina)

77 Farm Cash
Get Flowers & Gifts today!
Credited on March 29 at 2:17 AM
77 Farm Cash
Get Flowers & Gifts today!
Credited on March 05 at 7:45 PM
77 Farm Cash
TrialPay Special Offer Credit
Credited on March 05 at 2:30 AM
On Sunday, April 13, 2014 5:10 PM, Kathie Tone <> wrote:

I have sent notes before with no success.
I am hoping that this time you will finally provide; my earned credits.
I have spent a month sending requests to you guys as well as Trial Pay.
I received this this from John-Customer Support; "I" really should NOT have needed to have to go through all of this since Slash-Key was notified 3/5/2014 and then again 3/29/2014 to credit MY account. I will close my account and make sure to tell of all my friends of this treatment, if I don't have the 77 FC credited to my account (like I earned on 3/5/2014) in 24 hours.
Kathie(Okie Katt/Felina)
TrialPay Receipts
To Me
Apr 3
Hi Kathie,

Thanks for taking the time to email us. I'm sorry you haven't yet received your credits.

According to our records, we notified SlashKey to issue 77 Farm Cash to your account on 2014-03-29 for offer.

If you still haven't received credit for the transaction in question, we recommend following up with the SlashKey support team to check the status of your credit. If you need any further assistance, please let us know.


TrialPay Customer Support

On Thursday, April 3, 2014 6:15 AM, TrialPay Receipts <> wrote:
Hi Kathie,

Thanks for taking the time to email us. I'm sorry you haven't yet received your credits.

According to our records, we notified SlashKey to issue 77 Farm Cash to your account on 2014-03-29 for offer.

If you still haven't received credit for the transaction in question, we recommend following up with the SlashKey support team to check the status of your credit. If you need any further assistance, please let us know.


TrialPay Customer Support
Felina, Slashkey Support answers support tickets in the order received. That means if they have a lot of tickets ahead of yours it could be anywhere from a few hours up to a few weeks before they respond to you. Please do not send them multiple tickets on this as that just bumps you to the bottom of the list again.
I am sorry that you are having this problem, but this is not the way to address it. You have sent a support ticket in to Slashkey, so now you need to be patient until they can get to your ticket and look into it. Be sure to check both your inbox and your spam box for your email as some email sites tend to classify things like this as junk email.
Dubh Glais Estates
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Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.