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Old Apr 15 2014, 06:29 PM
Felina Felina is offline
Join Date: Jul 01 2009
Location: Oklahoma City, OK
Posts: 5
Default How would anyone know about 3 week...

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
How long have you waited between sending Support tickets to them? If it has not been at least 3 weeks between tickets then you are not waiting long enough for them to check on this and respond. A new ticket will just move you to the bottom of the list again.

No, it normally has been a week a half or two; I have not ever received a response, so I would not have a time frame.
It looks like you have told me what I need to know; and that is that if I don't think that FT(even after playing ALL these years) is the place for me.
I had issues w/Zynga and not receiving credits as well. It was a year or two a go and I quit all of those games(for my health, sanity and well being...NOT having to worry or "stew" about being owed credits).