Thread: Updated Chapter 21 - Tools
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Old May 17 2014, 03:28 PM
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Rob T Rob T is offline
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Default What are the Multi Planters?

Q: What are the Multi Planters?

A: Multi Planters allow you to plant multiples of flowers or trees, from 16 up to 1600 at a time.
There are 7 sizes of Muti Planter tools and they all have several planting options.

They must be bought in size order, so to buy the Multi Planter 8x8 you must first own the Multi Planter 4x4. To buy the Multi Planter 12x12 you must own both the 4x4 and the 8x8 and so on.

The Multi Planter works on both new trees and flowers from the store, those in your gift box and those you have in storage as long as you have enough clear space on your farm to place them.

To use the Multi Planter, the tool must be on the farm or in storage.

You can do 2 things. . .
  • If the tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and click "Plant Items" and then follow the instructions below.
  • However, if you are wanting to plant from storage you need to place the tool into storage. It is better to place all tools into your Storage. That way the game knows what tools you own should another upgrade be released. You can then access all your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm. Once they are in Storage, you can click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use.
  • NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want.

Buying new flowers or trees from the Store using the Multi Planters:

Click on the Multi Planter you want to use and the store will open.
Once you have chosen which tree or flower you want to plant, then you can choose from one of the following 6 patterns in which to plant them.

Click on the pattern you want to use and as you click on the farm it will plant those in that pattern.

Using the Multi Planters to plant flowers or trees from storage:
  • Open your Storage to the Item section.
  • Find the trees or flowers you wish to plant. You may find it easier to either use the search box to find them or filter Item Storage to trees or flowers.
  • Hover over the box containing the flower or tree and you will see a Multi button with a drop down arrow to the right and also a Use button. (The Use button is for planting one by one.)

To use the Multi Planter click on Multi and a list will appear showing you the available sizes as shown below.

Click on the size you want to use and then you will then be shown the planting patterns for you to choose from. Click on the pattern and as you click on the farm, it will plant what you have selected in the pattern you chose until you run out of those in storage.

As of April 2020, the Multi Planters can now overhang the bottom edges of the farm so you don't have to switch to using a smaller tool to get it to fit within the farm. This is useful when you want to add trees or flowers to the bottom edges of an upgraded farm size.

Last edited by Tiger; Oct 11 2023 at 02:45 PM.