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Old May 28 2014, 05:50 AM
Qivis Qivis is offline
Join Date: May 14 2012
Posts: 716

Originally Posted by skinni View Post
OK it is long past winter. Any idea when they are going to catch up the seasons and replace winter stuff with spring ones Before you know it father's day and summer will be here. Nothing for graduations either. I also noticed that the pop-ups about new releases are still saying farm 21 is now released, when we already have farm 22.
The winter stuff has been available year round since it was first added. Many farmers prefer it that way because they can decorate their farms and leave 'em and even winter up things in the middle of July. "Spring stuff" just means decorations and animals without snow and ice on them and green trees without snow on them. Only the developers will know if and when graduation and father's day stuff will be brought online.

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