Thread: Updated Chapter 21 - Tools
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Old May 11 2012, 04:03 PM
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Rob T Rob T is offline
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Default Can I use a tool to Plow new or wasted Fields?

Q: Can I use a tool to Plow new or wasted Fields?

A: Yes, there are several tools that you can use to plow. These do not use any fuel.

These tools can be used to plow new fields on your own farm, plow harvested fields and plow wasted crops.
They must be bought in size order.
You must make sure that you place them into your Item Storage so that the game can see which ones you own AND for you to be able to use the bigger tools when working for others or when they work for you.

NOTE: On your own farms or when working as a Super Neighbour with design permissions that allow plowing of new fields AND you have other items showing in your preferences, when you pick up a plow tool the other items showing will not hide, as the game does not know if your intention is to plow harvested fields or plow new fields. For plowing new fields you need to be able to see where your other items are in order to plow in an area that doesn't already have something occupying that space. If you cannot see where you need to plow you will have to hide the other items in your preferences.

  • You can plow a single field at a time
  • You can plow 2 fields at a time with the 2x1 plower
  • You can plow 4 fields at a time with the 2x2 plower..
  • You can plow 9 fields at a time with the 3x3 plower.
  • You can plow 16 fields at a time with the 4x4 plower.(FC item).
  • You can plow 25 fields at a time with the 5x5 plower (FC item).
  • You can plow 36 fields at a time with the 6x6 plower (FC item).
  • You can plow 64 fields at a time with the 8x8 plower (FC item).
  • You can plow 100 fields at a time with the 10x10 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 144 fields at a time with the 12x12 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 196 fields at a time with the 14x14 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 256 fields at a time with the 16x16 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 324 fields at a time with the 18x18 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 400 fields at a time with the 20x20 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 484 fields at a time with the 22x22 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 576 fields at a time with the 24x24 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 784 fields at a time with the 28x28 plower (FC item)

Note: Overlapping fields is still not officially supported by the developers. Doing this CAN cause problems with your farms that may NOT be able to be fixed. They have not provided plow tools to create these overlapped fields and for the same reason you will not find instructions on how to create them on the forum.

To use tools bigger than the single plow tool, to plow fields, the tool must be on the farm or in storage.

You can do 2 things. . .
  • If your tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and click "Plow" and then click on the fields.
  • However, it is better to place all tools into your Storage. That way you can access all your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm. Once they are in Storage, you can click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use.
  • NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want.

As of April 2020 it is much easier to use bigger plow tools to plow a farm without having to change to a smaller plow tool. This is very useful when plowing new fields along the bottom edge of the farm when you upgrade it to a bigger size.

The plow tools will now overhang the bottom edges of the farm allowing you to plow a narrow but long strip without switching to a smaller tool.

In the example below:
  • The top picture is the old method where you had to get the right size tool to plow along the edge as the tool had to fit within the farm, so that method you could only plow 4 fields at a time using the 4x4 plow tool.

  • The bottom picture shows the new overhang method, using the 10x10 plow tool, where everything within the farm area and the green box, will be plowed, which in this case would be 18 fields.

Last edited by Tiger; Oct 11 2023 at 02:27 PM.