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Old Aug 14 2014, 04:36 PM
StoneFace StoneFace is offline
Join Date: Jun 12 2010
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Originally Posted by knolan View Post
I would like to see the requirements for the quests changed. I don't think there should be a limit on the number of days. In order to make it fair for everyone, and not just for those who pay real monies to play, but also to allow the beginners the ability to feel like they can compete with their peers. Please, remove the 7 day- 8 quests limit and allow us to collect 2 farmcash when we reach 8 quests completion, regardless of how long it takes someone to finish.

One word.... why???

This is a really good game for a lot of reasons, one of which is the effort required to advance. Would you want to make it "fair" and let new players just have multiple farms and tools and factories, just so they can "compete"??

Personally I would be a little peeved to think that my own efforts and expenditures no longer mattered because now I had to play "fair".

oh... and a new player's "peers" .... are other new players.... and they can compete just fine now.

A new player, at say level 50 with a million coin is not a peer to one who has played for 3,4 or 5 years and accumulated hundreds of factories, tools, etc.

Last edited by StoneFace; Aug 14 2014 at 04:41 PM.