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Old Oct 11 2014, 08:06 AM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by servocrow View Post
I am having the same problem others are having as not enough neighbors are playing the quests/or items are not available to purchase on others' quests who have them open. I'm probably going to have two quests expire because no one has tea bags or oregano in their open quests to purchase. I have exhausted my Help stickers.

One thing that could be added is a Lifeline option that can only be opened after the Help tickets have been used, or even one day after the quest has been opened. That lifeline could allow us to purchase from our own inventory. I would take a purchase for a small amount instead of losing millions on a quest I am not going to complete before it expires. Aside from that, I really like the opportunity to earn MILLIONS with little to no effort, and NO INTRUSION on friend's news feeds. THAT is AWESOME!
Hi servocrow!

It would be better if you put your suggestion, in the suggestions section so the developers can see it. You cant open a new thread there but you can post as a response to the Quests suggestion thread.