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Old Oct 24 2014, 03:23 PM
mpwhitford mpwhitford is offline
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Originally Posted by Eradani View Post
we have to add the checkmarks for "items to sell" manually. So, when there's new facilities, i've done an ingredient check on the new facility, gone to the market, and made sure everything the new facility is using is unchecked now.
Yes you are right - to sell items that are used in facilities we have to manually check it. but as far as I'm concerned it is NOT the player's responsibility to check every release to make sure there are no check marks!

I do not sell any used items. I don't think I've even looked and said holy cow I have 10 million of this I'd better sell some. I only use non ingredients for me. I sell off once a month - right after the release. So when the bowling alley was introduced last month the pizza, instant chocolate and honey ice cream should have been removed from non ingredients to used ingredients.

Clearly someone did not test this part. This needs to be tested everytime a non ingredient becomes a used ingredient. I'm sorry but I don't have the time to go down the entire list of ingredients to make sure the devs remembered to removed the check marks.

But thank you for telling me all this cause at least now I now I didn't have a brain spasm!

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