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Old Nov 12 2014, 02:01 PM
Pamgow Pamgow is offline
Join Date: Sep 06 2011
Posts: 22

Originally Posted by hughpuppies View Post
Funny how I don't have any quest they game never once gave me a quest. I played when it started got to level 80 quit and started back up like 2 weeks ago currently at level 97. This is just me not complaining about the game or who made it. I will never have enough farm Cash to get the items I need out of the store. Currently it takes me like 2 and a half-3 hours to harvest plow and seed 3 farms. Wished I could get a the highest conbination machine so I can Harvest, Plow and Seed all at once. I also wish one day to have enough gas to never run out, than again I will never have enough Farm Cash. No I am not asking the game to give out more farm cash.
If it is taking 2-3 hours to harvest, plow and seed 3 farms, you either have a very old computer with little RAM, a VERY slow internet connection or, you aren't spending most of that 2-3 hours actually doing those things. I can harvest, plow and seed 20 farms in about an hour. You won't have to harvest and plow yourself if you hire others from the marketplace.

If you are at level 97 then you have earned at least 97 farm cash. What do you do with it? I have plotted and planned what to do with my farm cash since I first began playing. I bought my oil wells beginning at about level 10 and kept adding. By the time I reached level 30 I bought my oil refinery and had a nice stockpile of oil to start producing fuel. By the time I was able to purchase my first fuel using "coin" tool, I had plenty of fuel. Since some tools are solar powered, they don't use fuel. It's all about what you want out of the game how to plan for the things you want. No different than real life really. I don't have ANY coin tools for harvesting. I do own the green fishing boat, a manure spreader and am working on my sprinklers. THOSE items, are the most valuable to me as they will increase my produce AND my coins. I also hire myself out to earn XP, coins and produce. What do you REALLY want out of the game? Figure it out and go for it.