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Old Nov 22 2014, 04:39 AM
MadamePondarosa MadamePondarosa is offline
Join Date: Jul 18 2009
Location: Norway
Posts: 77

I dont understand this point?

"The Claim Farmcash button now shows how long until you qualify for the next collection"

My button dont, it only says "Claim bonus" as usual. Shouldtn there be a countdown function like "2 hours left" or something according to the above note?

Also, I collected 1 regular quest friday. The text for Friday went blue and noted1. Today I finished another quest. Friday flashed and got to 0 but Saturday got blue and said suddently 2!

I'm very confused, thin we need more detailed explenation here
Please Do Not tell me to Clear My Cache Or Update My Flash Player or Clear My Macromedia Files Because I've already done this before I posted a Question.....