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Old Aug 11 2015, 07:08 AM
Seraphina Warrior
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Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post
there needs to be a option for your super neighbours to be able to see what your crop storage levels are so they can plant what your low on.
Hi al, The game does indeed have that feature for Super Neighbours. It is not accessed by way of the storage icon, but through the store itself. When you select the tool to plant, (when you are on your neighbours farm), you are taken to the store to select a crop. The "tool tip" for each crop, will tell you the amount of each crop , that your Neighbour has in storage, allowing you to select crops that you can see they need, as their total is low etc. To clarify, if you hover your mouse over each crop, in the store, it will give you your neighbours storage amounts.

I hope this helps