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Old Oct 30 2015, 12:46 PM
MadamePondarosa MadamePondarosa is offline
Join Date: Jul 18 2009
Location: Norway
Posts: 77

About this...
"When hiding things we removed the red lines marking the spot of the hidden items, they were slowing down the game significantly when dragging and farming in a farm with lot of red lines."

If its possible to get the red lines back for flowers and trees when hidde in the future, it would make me happy! Because when I plant lots of flowers and trees at the same time its easy to slip a spot, and the red lines then helps me view where I forgot.

Understand speed comes first, but please consider if possible in the future.
Please Do Not tell me to Clear My Cache Or Update My Flash Player or Clear My Macromedia Files Because I've already done this before I posted a Question.....