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Old Oct 31 2015, 05:50 AM
Dr. Dirt Dr. Dirt is offline
Join Date: Jul 31 2009
Location: Savannah, Ga.
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Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi dcsully,
They just did go back to yesterday about 30 minutes ago:

Post-Release Updates - October 30th, 5:00PM

- Due to all the issues with the current release we are reverting back to the previous release so we can have more time to fix all the bugs players have found so far, we estimate all the known bugs should be fixed by monday or tuesday next week.

We will also bring back the red lines, however realize this makes operations like dragging, working on a farm and the game in general very slow, specially if there are too many red lines on the screen. This is why we released a few months ago the "Grass with Guidelines" in the Paths category, which is just a grass with the red lines but do not slow down the game, although we understand this is not accessible to all players because it is a farm cash item that you need to purchase once (35FC) and then apply as many times as you like to the rest of the farms.

Please restart your farms to see if things are not back to what was working yesterday.

Would it be possible at some point to have a check box to turn the red lines on and off?