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Old Aug 05 2016, 04:32 AM
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Farmer_Susan Farmer_Susan is online now
Join Date: Jul 27 2009
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 938

This looks like it's going to be a very fun release, thanks!

Delighted to actually get gifts for thanking people - I haven't received any yet, but I guess I will? Like I just thanked people for buying new facilities for this next round - do we get anything for that?

Also . . . you may have already addressed this in this release, but one of the things that's bothered me is at the end of a competition when it's time to claim your rewards, you get that screen that says, "Wait! Don't you want to go thank people?" (That's not it exactly but similar) So I typically think, "Ok, sure" and go thank people. But then I never see the rewards screen again. Makes me wonder if I actually got anything or if I somehow lost it by going to thank people. We need to be taken back to the rewards page after we thank folks - or something - so it's obvious that we're getting our rewards.

Also . . . this has really bugged me and I see that it's at least partially addressed in this new release, so I'm going to bring it up. And maybe it's just something I don't understand. But since in that last screen - the competing neighborhoods one - you're never with any of your neighbors there, I never know which neighbors have helped me and which haven't. It's not like we can really pull together for a common goal because we each have different goals. How do we know who's helped? And whom we should help? Like, I'd like to help everyone on my team on that last page because that pushes my whole team to the top. But I have no way of knowing who those people are. We can't really be a team. I'm a "team" with people who are neighbors (which is nice) but who don't actually share the common goal with me. Anyway . . . those are just my thoughts. Glad to see this quest is being tweaked a bit. Love the idea of being rewarded for thanking folks.
My cat's account, Farmer Squeak, needs neighbors. Please add her if you have room:

Farmer Squeak

Farmer Susan has been happily farming since July 27, 2009.

Farmer Squeak didn't really get started until the web game was ready. Her Facebook Account didn't work. She's been going great guns since then, though!