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Old Dec 24 2016, 11:49 AM
Tom C Tom C is offline
Join Date: Jun 30 2009
Posts: 221

I do not think the developers should do anything at this time, except maybe add the option to op out of ships. As far as ships being stuck at ports for several hours maybe that person will do ships but is at work, or sleeping, or maybe much hated house work. I know for myself if a ship lands in my port while at work it is going to sit there 7, 10, 11 hours before I get home to deal with it depending on what shift I am working. Maybe after the holidays and people are back to a normal routine the ships will move faster. Personally I would like to see the ships be like the trains and just move around on there own for 7 days and come back loaded with goods, but I know that will not happen.

Farming since April 26 2009