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Old Dec 28 2016, 12:46 PM
Poppy559 Poppy559 is offline
Join Date: Dec 26 2016
Location: Johannesburg South Africa
Posts: 22

Despite my ships sitting in other ports for days at a time, I am loving the ships.

I have decided that I will stop obsessing, only load containers of goods I need so that I am not up all night, send them off, and then check again in a week.

I understand that my neighbours all work in the real world, have families that also need attention, have errands etc, just as I do, and I cannot be on Farm Town 24 hours a day. Neither can my neighbours.

I will however move the ships in my ports along twice a day - morning and evening. Also, I will replace inactive neighbours or those that have not played in years with new ones. I have made so many new "friends" in the last few days, and that I have to say is really awesome. It is always great to meet new people from all over the world.

Thank you Farm Town. I love this game.