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Old Feb 14 2017, 01:17 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by dchasse View Post
Is there going to be a chance to have super neighbors be able to send ships on to the next port if you are away from internet for a few days. We go to our camp for weekends and I have neighbors who have to skip my port because I am not available, if super neighbors could have that option then they could send them for us when we are unable to. I let my neighbors know I will be away. Having ships are nice but they are unfair for players that are ususally available. SN can plant, why can't they send the ship on to next port. Donna
Hi dchasse

Please post your ideas in our Suggestion section where the developers can read it.

You cant start a new thread there, but you can post as a response to a thread that fits with your idea

This is the link to that section
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