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Old Sep 06 2017, 06:42 AM
Qivis Qivis is offline
Join Date: May 14 2012
Posts: 716

Originally Posted by NanceeB View Post
Any idea when the new levels are coming out?
The moderators here are volunteers who do the moderating of this forum out of the kindness of their hearts and usually find such things out when their own farmers suddenly get them or they get an email or private message from Raul. (Often the former since they are so busy here that checking email is not a priority.)

But it is often the case that new levels are delayed a bit if the developers are busy pulling Facebook's teeth trying to get them to fix things or fixing unexpected bugs that creep up on them for the game itself. All we can do is be patient and be caught by pleasant surprise when we are suddenly 25 levels higher than we were.

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