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Old Jan 22 2018, 10:31 AM
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Originally Posted by knolan View Post
Quests for facilities that I have not & will not purchase, because I don't have the FarmCash. The only way I can earn FarmCash, is to complete the Quests. But, I can't complete the Quests until I've earned enough FarmCash. It's a never ending cycle. How am I supposed to earn FarmCash, when the Quests won't give me assignments with factories I do have?

Why is the system programmed to choose facilities that you don't have?

I know for sure, that they've programmed the system to choose factories that you don't have, in hopes that you'll purchase them. I understand the need for add't income. But, that is not the way I recommend earning income for the business. It's not just a coincidence that this acct, 2 out of 4 Quests are for facilities I don't have, versus another acct I have, with all the factories.

Please, advise the developers that the game should be User friendly, not Company friendly. The company will continue to receive income, but, if you look at statistics, you will find that a company that becomes greedy, loses in the long run. A good company will last when there's a balance between the companies needs and the players needs. When you offset that with making the Companies needs more important than the game players needs.

Maybe I'm wrong and it really is just a trillion to one odds that 1 out of 3 factory quests are with a facility I don't have, and for those odds to happen for 3 full months continuously, it becomes to look like it's very unlikely to be a coincidence.

I'm just asking that the dev's change the ability for the computer to choose facilities that we do have. I don't see any reason why the change can't be done. I would prefer to know that the Company has the gamers needs a priority. It will affect the way new players also play the game. If they receive too many Quests with factories they don't have, it would be another reason to add to their list about why they would quit playing the game.

Please, please, do this for everyone! Most players already feel as though the companies greed ranks higher than gamers needs.
Hi knolan,

I have moved your post to the feedback area as you are not requiring help with a particular quest. All we can tell you is that a program randomly picks the quest you will get and it does not look to see what facilities you own.

Please, if you would like to suggest a change for this, all suggestions for the game need to go in the suggestions area of the forum, where all ideas are gathered together in one place for the developers to see. Here's the link to that section, you can't start a new thread there, what you do is reply to one that most suits your idea >>
Here's the link to that area of the forum >>

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