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Old Apr 18 2018, 05:41 PM
Cherry's Farm Cherry's Farm is offline
Join Date: May 23 2009
Posts: 90

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi Cherry,
If you are trying to send a hire to someone who has already had one sent before yours then you won't be able to as they do not let new hires load over the top of the one already sent. The worker has 30 seconds to accept or decline. They will not get another hire request until that one expires or they decline.
Yes, I am aware of that restriction when hiring, it is great as very annoying when another used to come over the top of a hire you were trying to accept. After my initial hire this morn I sent or tried to send about 10 hires at least for other jobs and none seemed to work, I noticed others saying their hires weren't working either so thought it was worth mentioning in case someone else was having the same problem. I often have to send several hires to get one accepted but farmers weren't replying at all so presumably the hires didn't go through and from the comments in the market others were finding the same.