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Old May 17 2018, 09:03 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
Join Date: Sep 30 2009
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 15,025

Hi all

From Raul notes for the New Release:

Post-Release Info - May 17th, 9:30PM

- 46x46 farm expansion for farm 35
- Added the fortune-telling facilities to the list of religious facilities so they can be skipped
- BugFix: Sometimes the 'Join User' or 'Ask User to Join You' options in the buddy screen (the 2 green man) were not working correctly.
- Each color box in the legend of available work at the top left of the 'Show Work Info' screen is now clickable, for example, if you click the red TH (Trees to Harvest) box, you will only see information related to how many trees are available to harvest on each farm. If you want to go back to see All the work available at the same time, just click the new All pink button.