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Old May 21 2018, 06:10 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Originally Posted by Nighthawk12345 View Post
I have been having this problem since the new release. I have discovered that the problem appears on the first farm the Mayor works.

So if you have the trains and the Mayor works all the farms, the oops message will appear after he works the farm the job invitation takes you to and then will work the remaining farms as normal.

If you do the work manually, then the message will appear when the Mayor appears with the good neighbor message and works that farm, he will then go on and work the rest of the farms as normal.

It doesn't matter how the farms are worked or what facilities are active as the glitch always appears on the farm the Mayor works first.

Tiger is a FT neighbor of mine , so maybe she could work my farms and see if she gets the message.

I have posted the job invitation for specific friends only. So the invite will only appear on her timeline and mine.
Hi Nighthawk12345,

Thank you for your report and the facility work

I was able to reproduce this. I got the oops for the first farm and then worked the others fine. I then loaded your facilites and was able to manually work the African restaurant. Yours are the only facilites i have worked where this has happened.

What we can't explain is why this is only happening to some users and not all.

Please report your findings to support. To contact them click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Please be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.

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