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Old May 11 2019, 11:50 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Location: UK but i'd rather be somewhere hot and sunny :) with a swimming pool!
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Default Facility Manager

The Facility Manager is a tool in your Yellow Toolbox to make it easier to navigate and manage your facilities. You can use the Facility Manager to access all your facilities on all your farms, current farm or a selection of them. It is much easier and faster than going from farm to farm and opening each individual facility to start/load products in your facilities or harvest animal sheds.

Never place identical facilities on the same farm! Only one of them will produce or stock items. The others will behave as decoration and just copies the information from the first one so that it doesn't matter which one you look in to find out any information you may want. Due to this the duplicates do NOT show up in the Facility Manager! You will only see one per farm.

This is an example of what you could see in the Facility Manager:

The icon top left of the Facility Manager can be grey or yellow in colour.
This is to do with the Farm Pass Feature of the Game. If you would like details on that feature please click on this link:

Top right of the Facility Manager you will see several more icons.
These help you with your facilities and how you wish to view them in the Facility Manager.

The Ingredient planner when you click on it will open a new window. From there you can see what you need to supply your facilities and what is missing according to the filters you choose. To set it for one full run select "15days" in the middle filter. You can change the various filters according to what you want to see. Once you have made your choices click "Update".
Example of when you are short of an item and when you are not:
- 720 Rye required, none in stock so 720 required.
- 720 Rye required, the figure below that is what will be left after filling which is 34382. If you want the figure for what is in stock without filling just mouseover the item and it will tell you.

The Ingredient Planner (IP) is explained in more detail earlier in this chapter. If you would like to view that again click on this link:

The Search icon will let you search for a specific facility and will place it in the viewing area.
Use the arrows to scroll up or down if you have a few that meet your search criteria.
You can also type in more than one facility name separated by a comma and then use the arrows to scroll through them.

The Funnel icon will bring up the Facility Filter

In this box you can choose which type of facilites the Facility Manager will show you and which farms.

Facility Status:

You can chose between All Facilities and Active Facilities.
Active Facilities are facilities that have at least one product with Pending or Done productions.

Facility Location:
  • All Farms
  • Current Farm - when selected this will only show you the facilities on the farm you are on. If you go to another farm, this will change to showing the facilities on that farm.
  • Group of Farms - when selected shows you the facilities on all of the farms you selected no matter which farm you are on. To use this option, after selecting Group of Farms the Select button under it will turn blue. Click on Select and a window will open showing you all your farms. Add a check mark to the box for each of the farms you want to see in the Facility Manager and then click the green check mark to save the setting.

Facility Type:

The drop down arrow for "Regular Facilities" will let you choose from:

Non-Workable by Friends
Workable by Friends
Part of the NCC
Part of a Chain
Producing Common Ingredients - includes all facilities that produce at least one common ingredient. Example: The Brewery is included because the FarmTown Beer is a common ingredient but the Art Studio is not included because the Leather Mask is not a common ingredient.
Producing Ingredients - includes all facilities that produce at least one product that can be used as an ingredient, ie: the Art Studio is included because the Leather Mask can be used as an ingredient to make stick masks

Consuming Specific Ingredient - When selected, a new dropdown arrow will be added for you to select a specific ingredient, then the Facility Manager will only show those facilities that produce at least one product consuming that specific ingredient.

This filter works best if you only have Regular facilities checked in the Facility Type section. In this example, the crop Reed is being used:

When the green check mark is clicked, as this farmer has the Cheese Making Supplies Factory on their farm and Reed is currently only used to make the Reed Cheese Mat, just that facility shows in the Facility Manager:

NOTE: This filter ignores any disabled products, so if the Reed Cheese Mat was disabled in that facility (check mark removed for making that product), even though that is the only product that uses Reed at this time, it will still show you that facility. This allows you to check if you disabled that product intentionally.

Containing Disabled products - this will allow you to quickly locate those facilities with temporarily disabled products so you can enable them again
Super Facilities - if you deselect Animal Buildings and Service Facilities and select this for Regular Facilities, it will filter the Facility Manager to just Super Facilities.
FarmCash Facilities - will show you the facilities that you bought with Farm Cash, that are on your farms, not in storage.
Coins Facilities - will show you the facilities that you bought using coins, that are on your farms, not in storage.
Disabled Facilities - will show you any facilites that you have disabled by removing the check mark on the facility. You only have the option to disable a facility when you own the start or load tool for that facility.

The drop down arrow for "Service Facilities" will let you choose from:
Part of the NCC
Part of a Chain
Containing Disabled products
FarmCash Facilities - will show you the facilities that you bought with Farm Cash, that are on your farms, not in storage.
Coins Facilities - will show you the facilities that you bought using coins, that are on your farms, not in storage.
Disabled Facilities - will show you any facilites that you have disabled by removing the check mark on the facility. You only have the option to disable a facility when you own the start or load tool for that facility.

The A-Z icon will allow you to sort your facilites by:
Alphabetically : Alphabetical order
Production Chain : will sort the facilities in such a way that will allow you to work continuously from top to bottom, as facilities with primary ingredients are on top, when you get to the complex facilities at the bottom you will have stored all the primary ingredients already required for these complex facilities.
Done : will sort to the facilites that have finished products.
Utilization : will sort the facilities with the most in production first down to the least. This is useful if you wish to see any facilites not at 100% production. You can scroll down to the bottom of the list and see what is not at 100%.
Farm Number : will order your facilites from farm 1 onwards.
Custom Order : will allow you to view your facilites in the order you choose. Select that option and you will see a new icon appear top right of the Facility Manager
Click on the icon and it will bring up a new window showing you all your facilites.
If you have a lot of facilitites there will be a scroll bar to the right which you can use to scroll through all the pages.

There are several ways to find and order your facilites:

If you can immediately see the facility on the first page you can left click and hold the button down on your mouse, then drag the facility to another spot. Release the left click to set the facility down.

OR you can click on a facility and use the options to move the facility. The options are:
  • Send to top: will move the facility to the top of the list
  • Send to bottom: will move the facility to the bottom of the list
  • Remember this Facility: this will temporarily remember the facility by adding it to the facility bar at the bottom of the window.

    You can have up to 10 facilities in the bar.
    Then you can scroll to the page where you want to move the remembered facilities.
    To move a facility in the facility bar, just click on the facility in the facility bar and it will be placed into view and you can then click on it and drag it to a specific place.
When you have finished moving facilites in the custom order, click the green check mark bottom right of the window to save your changes.
If the facility is not on the first page you can use the Search icon top right of the custom window to find a specific facility. You can also type in more than one facility name separated by a comma and then use the arrows to scroll through them.

In each Facility box is a question mark. Clicking on this will open the help menu showing what products the facility makes. Top right of that window is a picture of the facility, if you hover over that it will tell you the name of the facility and how many owned. Just above that is the picture of a tool, this tool is the start all or load all tool for that facility. Hovering over the tool will tell you the name of the tool. The blue link at the top of the window will take you to the ingredient planner, or if it's a service, the stock planner. Click on a the picture of a product to see what it needs to make it and if it's used elsewhere there will be another link you can click telling you where it's used or stocked. Each time you click either a product or a link you can click the back arrow to go back to the previous window.

The Five Blue Buttons located at the top of the Facility Manager require owning tools to use them.

The information underneath those 5 blue buttons tells you how much is pending and done in all of the facilities you own, your Diversification Rank and Best (Best Diversification Rank so far).

In the picture below there is a tiny green Question mark next to Best which we have indicated with a red arrow.

When you click on that question mark it will show you information on how your Diversification Rank is calculated.

Harvest All : Allows you to harvest all animals in all farms related to the tool you own, with one click. The tools required to harvest ALL animals are Milking Station, Shearing and Cutting set, Egg Collector, Manure Collector (Note: you cannot harvest manure from pigs until you own a manure spreader as the manure harvested from pigs gets stored with the manure spreader.).

Store All : Allows you to store all products in all facilites for the tools that you own, with one click. The Tool required for ALL facilites is the Purple Forklift.

Start All : Allows you to start all productions in all facilites related to the tools you own, with one click. The tools required to start ALL facilities are Turbo bottling machine, Turbo drive thru system, Turbo tables and chairs, Turbo mixer, Turbo belt dryer, Turbo loader, Turbo conveyors, Turbo packaging machine, Turbo workbenches, Turbo mobile utility carts, Turbo Ordering Station.
When you click on the Start All there is also information at the bottom of the box that tells you how long ago you last posted a request to your freinds to work your Regular Facilities. In this example the farmer posted a request 2 hrs 51 min ago:
Load All : Allows you to load all products in all service facilities related to the tools you own, with one click. The tools required are the Turbo Checkout Station and the Turbo Manual Lift Truck.
When you click on the Load All there is also information at the bottom of the box that tells you how long ago you last posted a request to your friends to work your Service Facilities. In this example the farmer posted a request 2 hrs 51 min ago: :
Cash Out All : Allows you to cash out ALL service facilites for the tools you own, with one click. The tool to Cash Out ALL of the facilites is the Armored Truck. You also need fuel to cash out service facilities.

To find out which tools work with which facilites check out the Game Guide Chapter 21: Tools For the turbo tools look for the regular tool and the turbo tool will be listed in the same post. So for "Turbo bottling machine" look in the "bottling machine" post.

After you have finished loading your facilites, you can also post your requests for your friends to work your regular facilites or service facilities from the Facility Manager, instead of finding the facility on your farm and opening it. Use the search icon or use the scroll bar in the Facility Manager, to search for the facility you wish to post from, hover your mouse over the box it is in, and then click the "Open" button.

For Regular facilities you then click on the "Whats Pending Tab" and then "Produce Faster".

For Service facilites you open the facility and then click on the "What's In Stock" tab and then "Get More Clients".

You only need to post from one regular facility and one service facility. All facilities with work, on all farms can be worked from just those two posts. If you have never posted work requests before or need further details please click on Can I hire someone to work my Factories or Service Facilities?


The check box located ON each facility:
Removing the check mark, indicated on the Windmill picture below, will prevent any products in that specific facility on that specific farm from starting using the Start All blue button at the top of the Facility Manager.

The added check mark allows all products to be started in that facility. This only affects that specific facility and not the rest of them if you own more of that facility on other farms.

With Service Facilities removing the check mark on the facility will prevent any products in that specific facility on that specific farm from loading using the Load All blue button at the top of the Facility Manager.

When you own the Start All tool for a facility there is also a check box on each product inside the facility which can be useful when you don't want to make everything in a facility but you still need to make the rest of the products and still and want to use the Start All at the top of the Facility Manager:
To make all products in a Facility there must be a check mark added in the box for that product.

Removing the check mark on a product WILL prevent not only the product in that facility from being made but when you own more than one of the same facility it ALSO removes the check mark from that product in all of them on all farms.

For example: If you removed the check mark to make Flour in one windmill and used the Start All at the top of the Facility Manager it will not make any flour in any of the windmills (Red Windmill that cost coins AND the Stone Windmill that costs Farm Cash and any duplicates of those that you own).
Add the check mark back when you want to start making that product again.
If you wanted to make some flour in some of the windmills you own then you would need to start them manually by opening a windmill and clicking on one of the blue buttons on the flour to start the batches in that specific facility.

When you own the Load All tool for a facility removing a check mark on a product prevents that product from loading in that facility and any duplicates of that facility that you own.

NOTE: When a product can be loaded into more than one different Service Facility removing the check mark ALSO removes the check mark from loading that product into all of the different service facilities that it can be loaded into.

For example: Crema Catalana which is made in the Spanish Restaurant can be loaded into both the Cruise Ship and the Taste of Spain. If you remove the check mark from that product in either the Cruise Ship OR Taste of Spain it also removes the check marks from that product in both of them AND all the other facilities of that type that you may have on other farms, until you add the check mark back.

Remember - the check marks in boxes only affects what the blue buttons at the top of the Facility Manager will do, you can still manually start products in each facility if you wish.

Last edited by Tiger; Oct 10 2023 at 07:51 AM.