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Old May 25 2019, 06:39 AM
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Default What is the Tool box?

What is the Tool box?

The Tool box is where you can find all your tools, (for the larger tools you will see them if you have bought them and placed them into item storage. Note: Farm Cash items do NOT use up your Item storage space, you can store as many Farm Cash items as you want). You will also find your facility manager, quest managers, ship manager, minigames and many more items that can help you with the game. When you first start playing the game you will not have many items in the tool box. As you start playing and levelling up you will gradually get access to more items and then again when you start buying the bigger tools and place them into item storage.

When there is a number on the Tool box, that means that there are ether:
  • Trains for you to boost from your friends in your Train Manager,
  • Ships to load from your friends in your Seaport Manager
  • You have Neighbour or Buddy Requests in your Farmers Lists
  • or a combination of all of those.

    The counter updates approximately every 10 minutes as you work your farms.

To open your Tool box, click on the tool box icon.
You will then see something similar to this, but it will show you your tools. Anything that is greyed out is something you do not have access to yet due to game level or it is a tool you do not own or it is a tool you have not placed it into item storage.

It is always a good idea to place any tools you own into item storage, that way you can access your tools from the toolbox from any farm without having to move the tools to each farm. It also helps when you need to upgrade a tool as the game will be able to see what you already own. To use a tool just click on it to pick it up. Click the green man to stop using it.

To close the tool box click on the big white x just beneath the bottom right of the window.

These arrows will show at either the top or bottom of each column when there are more items in the column than can be displayed all at once, just click on them to scroll the column up or down. OR if you have a mouse with a wheel, you can hover over each column and use the mouse wheel to scroll.


This is the Train Manager where you can manage all your trains on all of your farms from any of your farms. For more details click on this link:

This is the Seaport Manager where you can manage all your ships. For more details click on this link:

This is the Trading Warehouse where you can sell primary products and super facility products to other farmers. For more details click on this link::

This is the My Super Facility where you can make a facility into a super facility, check what products you have available to sell and what you have sold/earned today. For more details click on this link:

This is the Facility Chains Manager. Available at level 100. For more details click on this link:

This is the Facility Manager where you can see all your facilites in the game, work them and sort them various ways. You need at least 2 facilites on your farm to use this. For more details click on this link:

This is the Super Neighbour manager where you can assign which crop your super neighbour will plant on each farm. For more details click on this link:

The Farmers Lists icon lets you see who your Neighbours and Buddies are, switch them between Neighbour and Buddy Lists, send a message, where In gam Neighbour and Buddy Requests will be seen. For full information on how to use this and what else you can do please click on this link:


This is the Farm Pass Ticket. Available at Level 100. For more details click on this link:

This is the Neighbourhood Chains Contest manager. Available at level 80. For more details click on this link:

This is the Co-operative Quest manager. Available at level 20. For more details click on this link:

This is the Quest manager. Available at level 20. For more details click on this link:

The Farm Selector Manager is where you can rearrange the order of your farms and get your farm link for any specific farm. You need to have 2 or more farms to use this tool. For more details click on this link:

Farm Stats. Farm Stats is a tool in your toolbox that can help you see the statistics of things like harvestable items or facilities that are currently on your farms and can help to locate where they are, can be very useful as you get more farms and expand them to much bigger sizes.
Click on this link for details on how to use Farm Stats: What is Farm Stats?

Show Times.
  • The Gamewide section gives you access to information on when you can next buy products from another farmer, open a new quest, post bonuses or ingredients, refuel, send gifts, rework facilities and reaccelerate trains.
  • The Per-Farm section shows you when you can fertilize, water flowers, or irrigate.
  • The Trains section, shows you which farms your trains are on and when they are due back.
  • The Minigames section shows you when prizes are next available in various minigames you can play.
The Show Times tool can also be accessed when you are on another farmers farm.

Trophies are what you can earn by playing the game, buying, adding neighbours. This is also a good quick way to know how many neighbours you have.

Belts and Dans. This where you can see your progress on belts and dans for harvesting and making products in your facilites. There are separate sections, for seeds, trees, flowers, fish, products. The A-Z filter lets you sort by belts/dans or product name. The Funnel filter lets you sort by specific belt or dan.

This is also where you can find your recent belts to post. Look in the "Recent Belts" section. From there you can chose which ones of the belts/dans you have recently earned to post. You can post 5 in 12 hours.

For more details click on this link: Chapter 30: Belt/Dan Bonuses

The Camera lets you take a photo of your farm and post it to Facebook.
Click on the camera, chose if you want to show the whole farm or a window that only sees a portion of the farm, add a caption if you wish, choose small medium or large for the size of the photo, then choose green or white background.

There is an additional option to post to Facebook. Add the check mark if you want to post it to Facebook. Remove the check mark if you don't.
NOTE: If you do not have a Facebook account or no longer have access to use it. After clicking on the Camera you will need to Remove the check mark for the option to Post to Facebook BEFORE you click on Next.
Then click the Next button.
If you opted to post to Facebook you will see the Facebook posting box with your picture and the blue Post to Facebook button, click on it to post the picture to Facebook.

After clicking on Next. Your photo will also will be published to the Farm Pictures section in the Account tab in the Month that you took the picture. Pictures are only saved for 3 months before being automatically removed. Each month will show a maximum of 200 pictures. For more details on how to find your farm photos CLICK HERE


If you own the Herding Robot, this tool allows you to add animals on farms in bulk to their sheds as long as there is room in the sheds for them. It also enables the buy Multiple on harvestable animals in the store so you can fill an animal shed much faster. For full details on how to use this tool CLICK HERE

The Add to Animal Building tool, lets you click on any animal and add it to the appropriate shed provided there is a shed on the farm for it and there is room in the shed for it. This adds animals one by one. Click on the tool to use it then click on the animal. Click the green man to stop using the tool.

If you own the Tower Crane, this tool lets you add items to storage in bulk, provided you have enough room in your Item storage for them.

The Add to Item Storage tool, lets you add items, one by one to storage, provided you have enough room in your Item storage. Click on the tool to use it then click on the item you want to add to storage. Click the green man to stop using the tool.

This is the Purple Freestlyle Farm Designer which allows you to select items from the Store or Storage and overlap other items in your farm, without requiring to have physical space in the farm for the new item and without opening the Store every time.

If you own the Orange or Green Freestyle Farm Designers you will see either an Orange OR a Green hand here.
Information on all the Freestyle Farm Designers tools in the following link:

The Yellow Edit hand, lets you click on any item on the farm, except fields, and move it to a new position on the farm as long as there is room for it to move to the new position. Click on the hand to use it, then click on the item you want to move, move it then click again to set it down. Click the green man to stop using the tool.

The Hide Item tool lets you temporarily hide items on the farm one by one. Click on the tool to use it then click on the item you want to hide. Click the green man to stop using the tool. To bring the hidden items back into view refresh your farm.

The Search tool lets you search for any specific item on the farm that is showing on your farm. Click on it and enter the name of the item you are looking for, then choose whether you want to highlight the item or hide non-matching items, then click the green check mark. If you have chosen to hide non-matching items, only the items relevant to your search criteria will be shown, and everything else will be hidden. You will then see bottom right “Show Items” which you can click to bring all items back into view.

For more details on the toolbox search tool and how to use the other search tools in the game in various areas see How to use the Search Tools later in this chapter

For All Information on all Tools see the Game Guide Chapter 21:Tools

Last edited by Tiger; Feb 28 2024 at 07:50 PM.