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Old Apr 07 2020, 04:44 AM
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Originally Posted by barbaraelwart View Post
6. Increased train benefits:

a) Reduced travel times for ALL trains by 1 day, i.e.: the Standard Locomotive takes 6 days, the Turbo Locomotive takes 2 days, etc
b) When unloading a train, if you have at least 3 trains dispatched or ready to unload with 10 cars each, you will earn an extra bonus of 80% of the products delivered by that train. Note that any of your trains have the chance to earn this bonus, not only those with 10 freight cars.

Can you please clarify the note at the end of this item. It may just be me but it appears to contradict the original message. It says you have to have at least 3 trains dispatched with 10 cars each, the note then says that any trains can earn the bonus not only those with 10 cars. At the moment I have 2 Engines with 10 cars each. Would I have to buy another Engine and 10 cars to get bonus or just a couple of cars ? Thank you
Hi barbaraelwart,

Let me see if I can clear it up a bit for you.

When unloading a train, if you have at least 3 trains dispatched or ready to unload with 10 cars each, you will earn an extra bonus of 80% of the products delivered by that train.
To qualify for the bonus you must have a minimum of 3 trains with 10 different long cars on each of them (meaning you can't have 2 of the same long car on the same train). So yes, if you only have 2 trains with 10 long cars you need one more with 10 long cars on it.

When you only have 3 trains with 10 long cars, to get your bonus, they must all be either dispatched or ready to unload. Then, if more than one of the trains was ready to unload, only unload and dispatch one at a time, so you get the bonus for each of them.

Note that any of your trains have the chance to earn this bonus, not only those with 10 freight cars.
This means, if you then had a 4th train or more, but those only had one or a few long cars on them. To get the bonus for those trains, as long as the 3 trains with 10 long cars are dispatched or ready to unload, when you unload a train with less long cars on it, that one also qualifies for the mayor bonus even though it has less than 10 long cars.

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