Thread: Official Top Post Thread Animals
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Old Dec 25 2020, 03:04 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by RIAP27 View Post
I hope I am in the right place here. Ok as I am getting stuff organized before the migration and my eye surgery I realized a Super stable I have Farm 31 is not going past 250 animals. In my facility manager it has the image of Super Stable on Farms 1 and 36 but but on the farms they are on 31, and 17, but none say Super Stable. I bought the one on 31 years ago and never realized it was malfunctioning until today. The one on 17 I bought in the last week or so, and I fear it may stop at 250 too.
Can anyone offer assistance in this matter?
I cannot find info on the animal shed at the moment and was wondering if the Super Stables have more capacity like the super dairy sheds? I have a new Super Stable on 17, but its not near to capacity so I don't know if it will do the same as the one on 31 which stopped at 250 animals just like the regular stables,..
Originally Posted by RIAP27 View Post
I just found the information I needed in the Store. I suppose it does not matter how they show up in the Manager if they both have the same capacity!
Please ignore my post!

I'm sorry there was no one here to be able to answer you.

I'm glad you found the information but let me clarify something for you.

You dont own a Super Stable. Your data shows you have Regular stables, one of them costs 25 farmcash and the other costs 28 farmcash. The Super Stable costs 50 farmcash.

Both regular stables can be filled with 250 horses and 250 Clydesdale. The Super Stables double that amount of animals and can be harvested in 8 hours instead of 2 days.

These are the images for the regular stables and the super stable:

stables (2 regular) or super stables

You have this information in the Game Guide in the following link:

You are right about how they show in the Facility Manager and on the farm.

If you have the regular stable which costs 25 cash on the farm then the Facility manager will show up the regular stable which costs 28 farmcash and viceversa.

Merry Christmas to yo too
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