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Old Jan 01 2021, 11:18 AM
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Originally Posted by PharmerRhonda View Post
I've tried out the HTML version. I am playing in Opera. Some points on it:

The graphics look great, and I love how smooth it is to enlarge or make smaller the game menu.
The right side is cut off on my screen, even in full-screen. Everything is still functional though. Like I just see a sliver of the toolbox, because 7/8ths of that box is cut off (but I can still click on that sliver to access my toolbox.) Same with my tractors for sowing, I just see a small sliver of their box.
With pop-up menu for sowing, both the top and bottompart is cut off. this also doesn't affect gameplay (like the bottom scroll arrow, I just see the topmost part of the arrow, instead of the entire arrow, but I can click on it and it will work.) Because the topmost part is cut off, I can't exist out of the sow screen if I decide not to sow anything (to get out, I have to click on a crop to sow), and then cancel by clicking on the green walking dude.
I can't travel anywhere (real estate, gas, market) When I click on that box (which is just a sliver due to the cutoff screen), nothing happens. Not sure if this feature is currently turned off.
The highlighting on crops to sow/plow/harvest is off. Like if using a 4x4, only 3 squares will highlight, although all 4 will actually plow. The issue also appears with the harvester and planter, but is more of a problem with plowing (for some reason it is more difficult to line up the squares and get them to actually plow, then it is to harvest or plant on them.)
Hi Rhonda,
What do you have your zoom set at for the tab/page? It sounds like you have it set too high?
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