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Old Jan 10 2021, 06:06 PM
Edmo Edmo is offline
Join Date: Mar 22 2012
Location: Canada
Posts: 46

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi Edmo,
Please treport this to Support. Java should not be needed for Farm Town that I know of. To contact Support click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.

You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

If you are having a problem getting responses from Support please read the information in the following link:

I would take pictures of those error messages. Support will let you know if they need them.
Taz D, thank you very much for your advice. I will do it.

In my previous message i tried to upload a snap of the image but it needed an URL. I uploaded the image of the error onn my timeline, then i opened it and i used the Facebook URL of the image but the Forum did not accept it.

Here is the image. I hope you can see it.