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Old Jan 15 2021, 07:46 PM
Sayso Sayso is offline
Join Date: Jul 19 2009
Location: I live in, US Arkansas
Posts: 56

I am Sayso. My ID is 721938372. For a time I was using the old game until about a week ago. I had seen the new on but decided to play there while I could. Now I can't. At first when I start the game and it takes a minute or more before black screen shows up. Then it turns gray looking, then it's there. I can deal with that. I played for a while and I could play the Quest games, and others could work my farms and I could work on theirs. But today The only thing I can do is my own farm, and when I do the crops and trees and flowers, they are harvested but the progress bar at the top doesn't move at all. I figured that I am working for nothing. lol So I have given up until or if the game is back enough to play it and getting somewhere. This is not a certain farm it is all of them. It says, Checkpoint - DONE - Map Loaded