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Old Feb 18 2021, 05:32 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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I don't want to be a bother but since the conversion, I can't see my Watermills. Let's just focus on F1 and if that appears, when I remember the other farms I'm sure they will too. I have cleared my cache, rebooted, and all of that to no avail - I can see where it should be & the store insists there is one already there but it is invisible - I remember someone talking about the watermills but for the life of me I can't find the information - any assistance will be appreciated
Hi Paula,

The developers are aware that some of the watermills are not showing up. It seems to be the ones that were bought a long time ago, placed in a particular rotation. It's up to you if you want to continue to wait and see if they can be fixed or wait until when the Facility Manager is back see if it's still showing up in there and you can still use it via the FM, should it still not be showing up on your farm at that time. The Facility Manager would be easier for you to know which watermills were on which farms rather than going farm to farm to search for them with the search tool.

As facilities can't be worked yet by friends, if I had one missing, I would probably wait a while longer and see if it turns up. If I didn't want to wait, as they are coins, I would just put one on a farm that I knew has never had one on it and then if they were fixed I would then think about whether or not I needed them all.

If you still can't remember which of your farms the other watermills are on, if you wish and haven't tried yet, you can use the search tool in your tool box in each of your farms to search for the watermill and see if it tells you one is present on the farm and you can see it, or if it's telling you one is there but you can't see it. If you can't see it but you can see a decorative watermill building you could try moving the decorative one and see if the facility version is underneath it.

If you decided not to wait and bought a new one, if/when the missing ones were fixed you could end up with more than one of those facilities on the same farm. If at that time you wanted both to of them to produce goods, you'd have to move one of them to a farm that doesn't already have one on it.

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