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Old Feb 28 2021, 05:48 AM
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Originally Posted by rufaontour View Post
For the last two days I have not been able to accept gifts in Google Chrome. There is no 'accept all' or 'exchange all' button and accepting individually does not work as when I refresh the gifts are still showing on my requests page. There are also no pictures associated with sending farmers - just the generic silhouette.

I have run memcache and checked settings. Yesterday I was advised to go to and ignore all pending gifts, in case it was some sort of 'blockage'.

Today, I still have no accept options on Chrome. I have opened in Opera and have normal options, and pictures, but would rather be using Chrome. I have not made any changes in Chrome's settings. Please advise how I can get back to normal in Chrome.
Hi rufaontour,

Are the generic pictures on all of the gifts in my requests or just on some of them? Is it just those gifts that are not clearing or those with the correct pictures that are also still showing in My Requests? When you last saw the Accept All Exchange All in Chrome did you notice if any of the profile pictures where missing then?

When you go to Facility Wall Requests are the pictures showing up there or are they the generic one as well? If they are missing in Facility Wall Requests are you able to work the facilities for those friends that have the generic picture?

Please check that Chrome is up to date if you have not already done so. Have you also tried clearing the caches/history in Chrome?

Do you have any extensions added to Chrome that are enabled, if you do please disable all of them, close and reopen Chrome and see if both the profile pictures show up and the Accept All Exchange All is back.

Was it the settings in this post that you checked for Chrome, do you still have the sites added to exceptions?

If all of those are fine and it is only some friends with the generic picture, then it sounds like a data retrieval issue getting information from Facebook to the game about who your friends are, which memcache sometimes corrects, sometimes you have to wait it out, but it is odd that it's only doing it in Chrome. I have just checked for this issue with Chrome Version 88.0.4324.190 (Official Build) (64-bit) and it's all working fine for me, no generic pictures either.

As memcache hasn't helped, if none of the above has helped either, you could try uninstalling Chrome and install it again, or you can contact the support team and see if they have any other ideas for you to resolve this in Chrome.

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