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Old Mar 04 2021, 07:42 AM
powell powell is offline
Join Date: Sep 16 2020
Posts: 20

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi Powell,
For both browsers make sure you have cookies and pop ups allowed using the instructions in the following link:

It looks that you have stuck gifts in your My Requests tab, please click on this link and see if those gifts are showing up, take in mind that page can only show you up to 100 at a time: Facebook Games Activity

If those gifts were stuck gifts meaning they had already been accepted but had not cleared, then accepting them even in the games/activity will not give them to you again in the gift box.
It is better to delete them one by one. You will have to clear them out of that section by clicking the X instead of Accept to clear them all out.
Hi Taz, sure you are tired of hearing from me. Here is what I have done so far. All of the above. I just eliminated farm town from my Mozilla and left it on Google. I still do not see any names on my Farm Town facility Wall requests or other request. Just the word "someone" My items don't go away after receiving them and when I went to the activities page there were only 3 (probably new) but I xed them out anyway. I can do everything that we are currently allowed to do on the Google and the "someone" thing was going on Before the changes, that is why I used FT in Mozilla instead. However, they were both doing it when I removed Mozilla today.If you can think of what I might do to straighten this out I would be most appreciative.