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Old Mar 13 2021, 02:59 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by JohnAlbertini View Post
When harvesting animals, or starting and loading facilities, the buttons are VERY slow to react. I can do three clicks before the first one is acted on. This is MUCH slower than the flash version was.

Also harvesting animals the buttons seem much less receptive to receiving clicks. I click and nothing happens at all. Seems only a smaller portion of the blue area works as it should.

This is not new, been this way since those actions were made available and I've cleared cache and memcache numerous times over the months.

Hi John

I have tried the blue buttons for harvesting animals individually and also to start/load facilities and they are working correctly for me.
I have tried clicking in different parts of the blue buttons and all worked fine.

Is the problem happening as soon as you start clicking the buttons or after clicking in many of them?

If the problem starts after clicking in many of the blue buttons, then you could reload the game and see if that helps you.