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Old Mar 22 2021, 05:19 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Originally Posted by Lara View Post
I am really annoyed with these continuous popups about online, offline and now a new one about session time outs. Yesterday morning I was playing my game (Australian time) as I always have and not one of these popups appeared. Then the upgrade happened (my afternoon time) and suddenly everytime I opened the game, went to a different farm or tried to do someone else's facilities I got the popup which is even more annoying right in the middle of the farm so you can't avoid or ignore it. I do not believe this is normal because I did not change my game practices, the game updated while I was playing. I do feel however that with a number of us not happy with the change it maybe it could be passed on to the Devs.
Hi Lara,

Those popups are not new, the behavior is exactly the same as they were in the flash version when you try to open up multiple tabs to the game for example when working several facility work requests. We're just not used to seeing them as we haven't had them for quite a long time but now offline and online is back to be able to hire others those have come back as well. They were not popular before so it's not surprising that they are not now either. The disconnect ones may appear to show up faster as the new platform is faster than flash was.

When working facilities in several tabs, If you have the 2 trains dispatched that help with facility work and you are quick enough and don't open too many at once so you can get to each one before the disconnect popup shows You should be able to start the facility work then go the the next tab and repeat that. You'll have to see how many you can do before the disconnect popup shows up to know how many tabs to open at one time before opening any more. Then you don't have to click on the popups when the facility work is complete, you can just close the tab. When you have finished with all of the facility work, you should not be having any problems going on line again in just one tab if that's what you want to do.

The devs are aware that those disconnect popups are still not popular when working facilities in multiple tabs. We will have to wait and see if they can do anything about those for that purpose.

However, the idle one will likely remain as there's no need for you to be online if you're not doing anything in game. There's nothing worse than seeing someone online in the game and trying to interact with them but getting no response. This will be more apparent when we get things like selling and trading back as you won't want to waste your time contacting someone who is showing online but may not always be looking in the tab with the game open to see any offers that get sent to be able to respond quickly to accept or reject them. That frustrates both users as the farmer sending ends up having to wait longer for a response and then sends the same offer to someone else and the the one who originally got the offer but didn't respond then gets the message the products are no longer available.

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