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Old Apr 13 2021, 06:54 AM
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Originally Posted by lineking View Post
okay, all the factories and items were checked and in only a couple of instances, a few ingredients were missing and when I strted them manually this afternoon, the percentages reflected the ingredient shortage. Therefore, the problem's not on my end per se.
Hi lineking,

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I've just started all of those facilities you listed to check if I got the same issue you are getting. I had no problems getting them all to 100% first try.

You've stated that you were short on some ingredients so that would explain some of it. When you tried later could it be possible that you also stored again before you tried again to start more batches in them?

If you did not Store All before your second attempt at starting the products, are you aware of what the game does when it sees you are short on some products? Perhaps this will explain why you can start more batches when you run short first try:
  • When you use the Start All at the top of the Facility Manager the game starts as many batches as it can in each of your facilities with what you have in storage.
  • Then after that you get back some ingredients for the bonus batches. These can require a reload if they don't all get added back right away.
  • When those are added back to your storage it then allows you to start more batches in the ones you couldn't get to 100% first time until it again runs out of ingredients.

You can also try clearing your FT memcache and also your browser caches/history to clear out any stray data. To clear your FT memcache Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", that is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another window. Then also clear your browser caches, close browser, then reload. After doing this the first time your farms are loaded, they will load slightly slower as all the graphics need to be loaded from a fresh start.

If none of that explains what might be happening then you can of course contact the support team for further assistance.

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Last edited by Tiger; Apr 13 2021 at 07:01 AM.