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Old May 22 2021, 10:53 PM
cathyann4458 cathyann4458 is offline
Join Date: Aug 31 2010
Posts: 1
Default Hung up on green screen 718979707

I redid my password etc yesterday to get here. I am getting hung up on the green screen. U-75 shows but takes forever to load and sometimes I try play and it reloads home and have to try to get into chosen farm to work and it gets stuck again.
2021-05-23 03:38:03.141 INFOCheckpoint-B-000 - Initialized
2021-05-23 03:38:03.142 LOGFT Client Services Inited.
2021-05-23 03:38:03.156 LOGSessionId: 4222238
Browser: Blink: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.66
WebGL Supported and Enabled. Type: WebGL 2.0
GPU-Vendor: Google Inc. (Intel)
GPU-Renderer: ANGLE (Intel, Intel(R) UHD Graphics 610 Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0, D3D11-
2021-05-23 03:38:04.208 LOGLoading player data from data.unity3d
2021-05-23 03:38:04.210 LOGInitialize engine version: 2020.2.5f1 (e2c53f129de5)
2021-05-23 03:38:04.211 LOGCreating WebGL 2.0 context.
2021-05-23 03:38:04.226 LOGRenderer: WebKit WebGL
2021-05-23 03:38:04.227 LOGVendor: WebKit
2021-05-23 03:38:04.227 LOGVersion: OpenGL ES 3.0 (WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium))
2021-05-23 03:38:04.228 LOGGLES: 3
2021-05-23 03:38:04.234 LOGOPENGL LOG: Creating OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics device ; Context level ; Context handle 44674008
2021-05-23 03:38:05.254 LOGScanning - Process took 0 ms to complete
2021-05-23 03:38:06.296 INFOStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 44/128 MB Managed Mem: 24 MB Unity Mem: 19 MB Video Mem: 512 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:06.317 LOGInput Manager initialize...
2021-05-23 03:38:06.321 INFOCheckpoint-U-30 - Bootloader.Init Start - Mem: 9/20/30/128 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:06.365 INFOCheckpoint-U-31 - Init Loading Screen - Mem: 9/21/31/128 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:06.371 INFOCheckpoint-U-32 - Init AssetRegistry - Mem: 9/21/31/128 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:06.570 INFOCheckpoint-U-33 - Download Play Bundles - Mem: 10/22/32/128 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:06.579 INFOCheckpoint-U-34 - Init Local Storage - Mem: 10/22/33/128 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:06.584 INFOCheckpoint-U-35 - Init FlashVars - Mem: 10/22/33/128 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:06.608 INFOCheckpoint-U-40 - Init HUD - Mem: 11/22/33/128 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:07.173 INFOCheckpoint-U-45 - Init Farm Controller - Mem: 17/30/48/128 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:07.189 INFOCheckpoint-U-50 - Processing Params - Mem: 17/30/48/128 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:07.275 INFOCheckpoint-U-51 - Init Sub Controllers - Mem: 19/30/49/128 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:07.312 INFOCheckpoint-U-52 - Init Preferences - Mem: 19/30/50/128 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:07.367 INFOCheckpoint-U-53 - Load Prefs into UI - Mem: 20/29/49/128 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:07.375 INFOCheckpoint-U-54 - Init Engine - Mem: 20/29/49/128 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:07.382 INFOCheckpoint-U-55 - Init ItemDefs - Mem: 20/29/49/128 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:07.414 LOGUsing Facebook Unity SDK v8.1.1 with FBJSSDK/v8.0 FBUnityWebGL/8.1.1
2021-05-23 03:38:08.301 INFOCheckpoint-U-56 - Init RecipeDefs - Mem: 68/34/102/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:08.712 INFOCheckpoint-U-57 - Init Misc Defs - Mem: 63/30/94/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:08.817 INFOCheckpoint-U-60 - Load User - Mem: 50/29/80/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:09.695 INFOCheckpoint-U-61 - User Loaded - Mem: 54/29/84/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:09.698 INFOCheckpoint-U-62 - Main Avatar Loaded - Mem: 54/29/84/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:09.716 INFOCheckpoint-U-70 - Go To Farm - Mem: 54/30/84/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:09.722 INFOCheckpoint-U-75 - GoToFarmAsync - Mem: 54/30/84/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:11.001 INFOCheckpoint-DONE - Map Loaded - Mem: 61/32/93/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:19.074 INFOStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 64/40/105/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:29.208 INFOStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 64/40/105/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:33.107 INFOCheckpoint-U-70 - Go To Farm - Mem: 64/40/105/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:33.116 INFOCheckpoint-U-72 - Load_Farm_Info - Mem: 64/40/105/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:33.558 INFOCheckpoint-U-74 - Load_Farm_Info Done - Mem: 66/41/107/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:33.585 INFOCheckpoint-U-75 - GoToFarmAsync - Mem: 67/41/108/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:38:33.600 INFOStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 109/256 MB Managed Mem: 67 MB Unity Mem: 41 MB Video Mem: 512 MB
2021-05-23 03:39:35.712 INFOCheckpoint-DONE - Map Loaded - Mem: 71/41/112/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:40:42.682 INFOStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 72/40/112/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:42:32.681 INFOStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 72/40/112/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:44:22.681 INFOStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 72/40/113/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:46:12.682 INFOStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 72/40/113/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:48:02.681 INFOStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 72/40/113/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:49:09.680 INFOStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 73/40/113/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:50:59.681 INFOStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 73/40/113/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:52:16.990 INFOStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 73/41/115/256 MB
2021-05-23 03:52:27.057 INFOStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 74/41/115/256 MB