Thread: Official Top Post Thread Facilities and Facility Manager
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Old Jun 26 2021, 05:53 PM
Qivis Qivis is offline
Join Date: May 14 2012
Posts: 717

Originally Posted by Tiger View Post
Hi Qivis,

I'm sure you are well aware that Slashkey has nothing to do with what criteria Facebook have set for what goes against their community standards.

I am able to do exactly what you describe and not raise any of their automated flags that can trigger blocking, I've been doing that on and off all day, so I am assuming this isn't affecting everyone.

It's possible that they may have changed something recently and that it hasn't rolled out to all Facebook accounts. If what they have done is causing you a problem you need to report that to Facebook.

If you wish you can contact support and see what they says about this.
I informed Facebook about something similar to this back in early April only then it had nothing to do with working facility posts. It was collecting gifts "too quickly" even though I was not clicking at super human speed. Several of my friends informed me, however, that they had this issue for the reason I mentioned today back then. If it continues I will let Raul know, but I do not like to bother him about Facebook saying normal game play is violating its rules when he is so busy finishing up moving the game to Hyper Text Markup Language. The main issue is that after too many blocks Facebook will block the game completely for several hours and no longer give the user the option of telling them there's a problem with the bot that tells him or her this.

Friends don't let friends boot from hard drives! A real friend would recommend an SSD. Or better yet NVME.
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