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Old Sep 29 2021, 06:21 AM
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Originally Posted by NooNoo View Post
I had 5 tabs open, my farm and 2 facilities and 2 clients from the FT wall with the show items unticked in the spanner. These are regular neighbours which I do twice a day and don't change much from day to day.

I already tried waiting a couple of minutes and restarting chrome initially.
By the time I posted I had closed chrome again, rebooted, made coffee before trying again. Disabling hardware acceleration + relaunch provided an immediate fix - perhaps that's what kickstarted WebGL
Hi NooNoo,

You should be allowing Hardware Acceleration to run when available. The only thing I can think of is that either the browser took longer than normal to regain some memory so by the time you came back it had corrected or it was a temporary issue.

The browser should not disable the WebGL just by working friends facilities. If it happens again, see if it is doing it when working the same friends facilities or if it could be the amount of tabs you have open for the game at that time that may be causing it and if there are any other errors in the FT Console beneath the game apart from the WebGL disabled error.

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