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Old Nov 07 2021, 03:54 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by missq11111 View Post
Every few days I get this message. Not all the time but enough to make it annoying. Only way to get rid of it is stop everything and start over. an back out
ID 1145453270

an embeded page a l1 slaskkey says

WebGL Supported, but DISABLED ------------------- ERROR!

WebGL Supported, but DISABLED ------------------- ERROR!
Hi missq

I moved your post to the thread for HTML5

I removed your email address, it is not a good idea to post it in an open forum.

When you get that message it is due your browser encounters a problem and "thinks" WebGL is dissabled.

Close your browser for a few minutes and then reopen, see if the problem is fixed.
You can also restart your computer.

If nothing worked for you, then clear your browser cache. The first time you load the game after the clearing, it will load slowly as all graphics have to be loaded again.
If you need instructions on how to clear your browser cache, please visit the following thread: