Thread: Official Top Post Thread Receiving-sending-exchanging Gifts
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Old Mar 18 2022, 07:45 AM
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Originally Posted by debhurst51 View Post
Good morning, I "received" my 8 gifts but they didn't show up in my gift box. I'm struggling to get enough cinnamon trees & now this> I know it's just a game. Please help.
Hi debhurst51,

I've just exchanged gifts for cinnamon trees and did not get any issues myself.

It's possible that those gifts may have been gifts you've accepted before and for some reason just did not clear from My Requests. If that is the case then that's why you did not get any and they may also be holding up newer gifts from showing to you.

I can see that you have cleared your memcache already today so you do not need to run that again. That may solve the recent issue you've just had.
It's entirely up to you if you want to see if you also have problems with new gifts that are sent today or or over the next couple of days or if you want to go ahead and run through what is on the list of things to check for now, that are listed below to eliminate those as a possible cause.
  • If you have not already done so please check that your browser is still showing up to date, update it if it needs it, clear the caches/history, then close the browser for a few minutes before you reopen it again.

  • Check My Requests and see if those gifts that you just exchanged for cinnamon trees from the same friends are still there. They may be showing as the original gift sent not the cinnamon trees that you tried to exchange them for.

    Then please click on this link and see if those gifts are also showing up in Facebooks games activity area.

    If they are there, you need to click the X on each of them to clear them out. Please do not try to exchange them, that won't work, they need to be cleared out of that area.

  • Please do not try to boost any friends trains from there as it won't work, do those from the game or from the My Requests area, however if you have no boosts showing up in the train manager or in My Requests but they are in that Facebook games activity section, then those also need the X clicked on to clear them out as they may also be stuck.

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