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Old Dec 28 2022, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by piscesfem View Post
I got a boost request (via my requests) but it didn't show up in my train manager
When I tried to boost the train via my requests, it said can only boost friends trains?

I have this person as a friend n FB and as neighbour??
Hi piscesfem,

It sounds like the friend has access to more than one account.

What has likely happened is, you got a mixed up version of the same turbo boost for the same train which meant it appeared differently in each of those 2 areas as different people. You are friends with one of the accounts, but not the other one they had access to.

One version of the turbo boost showed up in My Requests where you can't boost it for a goal for Farm Pass.
As they had access to more than one account the version you saw in the Train Manager showed up as the other friends account. It would have had a Non-Friend blue button beneath it. When you try to boost one of those it tells you that you can only boost friends trains. That's why boosting the one in the Train Manager didn't count either.

This issue started with Facebook security changes and changes to Facebook switch user quite some time ago. Since then it's possible to get this kind of problem with non-friend train boosts, non-friend ships and facility work that says it's only available to friends.

Slashkey has no control whatsoever in whatever changes Facebook decides to make.

Ideally what your friend needs to do to stop this from happening is to make sure they are logged of all accounts, close the browser and reopen it.
Then preferably use different browsers for each account so they never use the same browser for more than one.

If for some reason they are limited to using one browser, then the best way to ensure there's no mix up between the accounts is to avoid using Facebooks switch user at all and instead manually log out of the account they are using via the profile icon top right of Facebook, then close the browser, then reopen it before they log into the other account.

It can also be tricky to know when there's been a mix up in accounts as profile pictures and names can either be similar or the same. Always check the blue button beneath a train boost in the train manager and see if it says non-friend, if it does it won't count for Farm Pass goals.

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