Thread: Official Top Post Thread Display Issues, Preferences, Sounds and Music
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Old Mar 11 2023, 06:29 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
Join Date: Mar 12 2010
Location: UK but i'd rather be somewhere hot and sunny :) with a swimming pool!
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Originally Posted by View Post
My fields move in all directions while I am planting, plowing or harvesting. Why is that happening?
Is there a way to stop it from moving unless I move it with my mouse to get to another section of the field?
Hi kofe2005,

Fields can't physically move so I am not exactly sure what you mean by that.

Could it be that when you click the left button on your mouse to work a section, then let go of that left button and try to click on a different section that it's actually the whole farm that moves?

Have you kept up to date with computer updates and browser updates? If not please make sure that you do them.

Please also try clearing your FT memcache. To do that Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", that is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another window. Then reload and try again.

If those don't help, it's sounding like you might have a problem with your mouse.

If you have another mouse that you can try please see if you get the same problem. If your mouse uses batteries try replacing the batteries, if it's rechargeable please try recharging it.

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