Thread: Official Top Post Thread Wall Request Issues
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Old Aug 21 2023, 08:53 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by Carrie256 View Post
every thing had a clear slate to work others facilities. there was no pink box or pink writing. it continued to happen as i kept working and then refresh the "windows" page. i noticed that just before it occurred the bottom of the ft page (where it shows the neighbors that helped) would start scrolling something that looked like program notes. once i reloaded the page i't would let me continue with the working the remainder of the farms. i had to do this for each neighbor so it's unlikely they all were reloading. they were also newly posted. there was also one post, that after completed, wouldn't register pink box or pink writing. i logged out, rebooted, logged back in and it was the same. i found an old post of yours and cleared memcache a couple of times too. this seemed to help me. it's only happened since the new site so i thought you guys were tweaking things and didn't mention it. seem like the memcache clearing helped. if/when it happends again, i will try that first and if it continues i will let you know. thanks for your time and help.
Hi Carrie

Ah! then you were getting errors in the console below the game screen.

If this happens to you again, please try to copy and paste those errors here in your post.

Also, be sure your browser and computer system are up to date, if you do any update, then it is better to restart your computer.

I dont know how many tabs you open while working your neighbors/buddies facilities, but you can start opening 4 tabs and if they work correctly then open 2 more, and then 2 more. Sometimes when you have many tabs open while working facilities could make you get errors and/or not all facilites being worked.
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